euglena Project
Contribute toward solving food shortages among Rohingya refugees.
First Japanese company to collaborate with the United Nations World Food Program (WFP)
With the United Nations World Food Program (WFP), the first Japanese company
The road to cooperation
April 2018.
The United Nations World Food Program (WFP), a global international organization, Euglena about business collaboration.
"Your company has been developing social business in Bangladesh for many years, but also has a track record of supporting Rohingya refugees * 1. Would you like to collaborate with us?"
* 1: A large influx of displaced persons from Myanmar occurred in Cox's Bazar in southeastern Bangladesh. About 1 million people are living in evacuation.
As members of the Overseas Business Development Department, which conducts the mung bean project and the GENKI program in Bangladesh, promote the project to contribute to improving the lives of local farmers and Rohingya refugees, WFP Euglena Company and Grameen Euglena It is said that he acknowledged the activity of * 2.
* 2: Euglena Co., Ltd. and the Grameen Krisi Foundation led by Dr. Muhammad Yunus.
Satake, an Executive Officer in charge of the Overseas Business Development Department, told team members Ehana and Sueki that he couldn't hide his excitement.
"Mr. Ebana and Mr. Sueki. This has social significance not only for Bangladeshi farmers but also for Rohingya refugees. I want them to move toward concluding a business alliance with WFP."
"of course!"
If this happens, WFP will be the first to collaborate with a Japanese private company.
Ebana and Sueki were worried about a bigger job than they had imagined, but their expectations gradually exceeded it.

December 2017 With the support of students from the Government of Bangladesh and the University of Dhaka
Approximately 250,000 meals of nutritious special Euglena cookies were distributed at the Rohingya refugee camp.
(Left: Izumo, Right: Satake)
Start moving toward business collaboration
In Japan, Sueki, who is in charge of managing the mung bean project and the GENKI program in the Overseas Business Development Department, immediately started to move.
Euglena do if we collaborate and how much budget will be needed? We will quietly identify it with the advice of Satake et al. Of the Overseas Business Development Department.
I have been in charge of contract conclusion work before, but the scale of WFP is different.
Rome Headquarters, Bangladesh Country Office, Japan ... People in charge of each role such as budget, contract, project contents are scattered all over the world, and I was overwhelmed by the complexity of the organization.
It's hard to grasp how far things are going.
"It may seem noisy, but Euglena so that you can remember that it's Sueki."
I kept in close contact with multiple people every day and kept the attitude of getting information from myself no matter what.
I couldn't stop thinking that this contract would help Rohingya refugees.
In addition, we invited the person in charge of WFP to Bangladesh and guided them to Potoakari, where mung beans are actually cultivated, so that the business contents of the mung bean project could be communicated.
And finally February 2019.
Euglena is the first Japanese company to sign a contract as a WFP business collaboration partner.
With this business cooperation, Euglena Inc. and Grameen Euglena, along with WFP, cultivation technology transfer of mung beans for the small farmers of Bangladesh, and plans to carry out food assistance to take advantage of the E voucher for the Rohingya refugees. Euglena is expected to receive a total of US $ 2 million (about 220 million yen) in activity funds from WFP Bangladesh over a two-year period.

At the signing ceremony for business cooperation with WFP in Bangladesh (left: Izumo, right: Satake)
At the Rohingya refugee camp
Started test sales of mung beans
Meanwhile, going back in time to November 2018.
Ebana, who manages the mung bean project locally, was in Bangladesh.
It is Ebana's job to move the site in parallel with Sueki's negotiations with the WFP side.
I heard that the contract with WFP will hopefully be around February 2019, but mung bean planting (sowing) will also start in February.
In order to attract new farmers who grow mung beans through WFP's business collaboration, it was necessary to start calling out to the farmers at this time.
"We will share the technique of mung bean cultivation. Grameen Euglena will definitely buy the mung beans you made, so can you make mung beans together?"
With the cooperation of the local Ministry of Agriculture (DAE), we held a farmer's meeting in the village to gather farmers steadily, and managed to conclude a contract with 2,000 farmers when the business cooperation was concluded in February 2019.
However, Ebana had a problem that had to be solved further.
It means that we have to prepare a route to provide the produced mung beans to Rohingya refugees.
In this business alliance, it is the responsibility of the six local traders who are entrusted with the operation of the shops (e-voucher shops) in the refugee camps by WFP to actually deliver the mung beans to Rohingya refugees. However, at the time of the contract signing in February, none of the companies knew the trader's contact information yet.
It was early May 2019 that I was able to negotiate with WFP over and over again from the beginning of this case and ask for the contact information of the trader. It was the time when Grameen Euglena was buying the planted mung beans from farmers.
Within a week of that, Ebana and Euglena 's colleagues worked together to negotiate with traders.
Visited all trader headquarters scattered in Bangladesh and talked about the cooperation model of mung bean sales. At the same time, each trader groped for the information needed to sell mung beans, as to which refugee camp they were running and what they were selling in what quantity.
Finally, in July 2019, test sales of mung beans began at the Rohingya refugee camp.
This mung bean is, of course, a mung bean cultivated locally by giving cultivation guidance to contract farmers in Bangladesh.

Mung beans are being sold at the Rohingya refugee camp
We sell mung beans that have been thin-skinned for easy cooking (the contents are yellow when the mung beans are thin-skinned).
The Cox's Bazar in the southeastern part of Bangladesh, which borders Myanmar, continues to experience a large influx of Rohingya refugees from Myanmar, and about 1 million people continue to live in evacuation.
A Rohingya refugee said when the test sale started.
"I'm happy to eat mung beans like I did before I evacuated here."
Sueki and Ebana talk.
"This business collaboration is not just a social contribution activity, Euglena, and local traders to do what they should be doing as neighbors. When will the fundamental solution to the Rohingya refugee problem be? In the unclear situation, I would like to create a sustainable model through this business collaboration. "
Members of the Overseas Business Development Department continue to move toward a better future for the world today.
■ Click here for details on the mung bean project
Posted in September 2019
Euglena Data
-Model of business collaboration with WFP-
- Overseas Business Development Section, Overseas Business Development Department
team leader Aya Sueki -
Joined the company mid-career in August 2016. Engaged in the management of the mung bean project and the GENKI program.
"I hope that the business collaboration with WFP will help improve the lives of Rohingya refugees. By promoting sustainable businesses, Rohingya refugee children will be educated and will be able to lead independent lives in the future. We will continue to work toward that goal. "
- Overseas Business Development Section, Overseas Business Development Department
team leader Tomoyasu Ebana -
Joined the company mid-career in September 2014. Mainly Euglena and is also in charge of local operations.
"This business collaboration is not just a social contribution activity, Euglena, and local traders to do what they should be doing as neighbors. When will the fundamental solution to the Rohingya refugee problem be? In the unclear situation, I would like to create a sustainable model through this business collaboration. "
euglena Projects
Bangladeshi children
Find the material to save.
Euglena that no one has achieved
Establish outdoor mass culture technology.
Grow it into a 30 billion yen market.
Lunch for all elementary schools.
With CO2 emitted from the chimney
Cultivate Euglena.
Euglena cosmetics business
Get up.
Japan's first bio-jet fuel
Build a manufacturing plant.
The name of "Euglena"
Use it as a weapon.
Bringing Euglena to China
Spread it.
Acquire super-Euglena.
Solve the poverty issue in Bangladesh with the Mung Bean Project.
Euglena with Takeda
Develop new products.
Utilizing sewage from sewage treatment plants,
Cultivate Euglena.
Create a set of guiding principles for euglena’s employees.
Japan's unique technology
Cultivate Euglena.
Aim to create an office that promotes a pleasant working environment for our employees.
Establish the Yugurin Nursery School next to our office.
Euglena in Ishigaki Island
Contribute to regional revitalization.
Raise awareness of Euglena
Jointly develop new products
Euglena cafe
Open a store on Ishigaki Island.
Using Euglena as fodder
Raise Hinai chicken.
Euglena-containing diesel fuel
Collaborate with Isuzu Motors to put it into practical use.
using Euglena
Produce biofuel.
The world's first Euglena and chlorella
Get ASC-MSC algae certification.
Build synergy with group companies.
With new friends
Make people healthy at the genetic level.
Jiyugaoka and
Popularize Euglena.
Euglena supplement
Start up a processing plant.
Contribute to community revitalization on Ishigaki Island through the power of science.
new Euglena
Develop core cosmetics.
Contribute toward solving food shortages among Rohingya refugees.
Beauty ingredients derived from Euglena
Unravel your research.
Supporting students in taking on challenges!
Start all-year-round recruitment.
Euglena and Chlorella
Get halal certification.
Euglena that extends healthy life expectancy
Discover possibilities.
Taketomi Island prawn farming business
Drive your car on Euglena biodiesel fuel at the G20 Karuizawa.
Plan a mascot character to communicate the appeal of Euglena from Ishigaki Island.
Recruit and select CFOs (Chief Financial Officers).
Domestic Kalahari watermelon
Japan's first "virtual only
Hold a general meeting of shareholders.
next-generation biodiesel fuel
popularize it
Renew your identity.
Born in Ishigaki Island
Euglena permeate.
derived from Euglena
Accelerate fertilizer research.
Japan's skies with biofuel
keep it clean.
improve the office environment
Make your teammates more productive.
in cosmetics
Pursue sustainability
Next new material "Midori Koji"
Spread your value to the world.