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ユーグレナ社についてAbout Euglena

Corporate Identityコーポレート・アイデンティティ

Euglena’s Philosophy

Sustainability First
(Sustainability First)


Make people and the earth healthy



Livable, Playable, Sustainable.

Corporate color

Sustainable green
"Sustainable green" expresses the cycle of the earth in a single color by mixing the dark green like the color of the leaves of the evergreen tree with the sky blue associated with the sky and the sea with the everlasting green, which is a symbol of eternal immortality. It contains a wish for a sustainable global environment and the healthy lives of the people who live there.
Wild pink
High-concentration "Wild Pink" with the intention to act without being bound by common sense and stereotypes. Expressing the power to transform society with an inexhaustible amount of energy, the will to promote the social implementation of technological innovation with the belief and thoroughness that sometimes seems crazy, and the innovation mindset. It is included.

What is our idea of "madness"?

A word left for the disciples of Shoin Yoshida, a samurai and educator in the latter half of the Edo period, is "Love madly, and be afraid of Zairyo, crazy." This means that it makes sense to take action from a seemingly crazy passion, rather than just thinking without action.
We use this term as a reference to accelerate the promotion of sustainability with the Euglena Philosophy "Sustainability First" as a stronger intention.


Turn it up to 7.
Take the fastest step and finish
Burst with imagination and energy.
Think through your thoughts until you can say no more
Bright, Witty, and Forward-Thinking
Always "be bright, witty, and forward-thinking"

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