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熱帯バイオマス技術研究所​Tropical Biomass Technology Research Institute

Research content

Malaysia is a country with a warm climate all year round and rich biodiversity.
Tropical Biomass Technology Research Institute conducts research on biomass production and utilization of algae and photosynthetic organisms, mainly for fuel applications, in the tropical environment of Malaysia, which is suitable for photosynthesis.
Specifically, with the aim of maximizing and optimizing biomass production through photosynthesis, we will combine the utilization of microalgae and biological resources unique to Malaysia with recycling technologies for carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus resources that have been researched and developed in Japan. , we will develop it in a tropical environment that is suitable for biomass production.
In addition, we will collaborate with local universities and companies to formulate and execute overseas R&D strategies as Euglena 's first overseas research institute.

Message from the director

Euglena has been promoting research and development as Japan's No. 1 algae energy company, centered on a unique microalgae called "Euglena".
However, aiming for a sustainable world cannot be achieved with only Japan's domestic resources and technology.
Malaysia is called a mega-diversity country, and is a country with high biodiversity in the world compared to its land, and there are abundant species and resources that are not found in Japan.
By setting up a research institute in the land of Malaysia and combining Malaysia's unique "tropical" climate and abundant "biomass" with the knowledge and technology that we have accumulated so far, we will conduct biomass production and utilization research using a wide variety of algae and photosynthetic organisms. We believe that we will be able to accelerate and challenge the world.
As the first overseas research base since our founding, we will make people and the earth healthy across borders.

Tropical Biomass Technology Research Institute
Director Yu Inaba

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