“Sustainability First”
Euglena Co., Ltd. was founded in 2005 with the visit of President Izumo to Bangladesh in 1998, and has been working with the microalgae Euglena (Japanese name: Midorimushi) to tackle various social issues such as nutritional deficiencies, climate change, and food crisis.
On the occasion of the 15th anniversary of our founding in 2020, the Euglena Group has established the Euglena Philosophy of Sustainability First as "what we want to be." In addition, the destination with that philosophy in mind is "to make people and the earth healthy." We believe that it is our raison d'etre that has not changed since our founding.
We define sustainability as "my happiness continues to coexist with someone's happiness," and it covers all areas such as environment, society, people's health and life, working style, and organizational management. In addition to utilizing the microalgae Euglena, we aim to make various stakeholders sustainable through our business and products by developing various businesses centered on sustainability. In other words, the more our business grows, the more it will continue to be a company that solves all social problems.

Euglena Group aims to realize a sustainable society through various business activities. Specifically, it is a challenge to achieve the realization of health for all people involved in Euglena Group, concrete solutions to Climate Change, and the elimination of malnutrition in developing countries.
We also recognize that our business activities themselves are supported by the global environment in which we live and by all people. I would like to aim for a sustainable world while constantly thinking about how to manage our business so that the people who support our business, the local community, and the earth can continue to be happy.