In order to further realize our corporate philosophy of "Sustainability First", we will discuss various policies, goals, strategies and countermeasures to promote Euglena Group's sustainability activities and ESG management, "Sustainability Committee” was established in February 2023.

In addition, we have established a Group Safety and Health Committee chaired by a representative director and conduct information sharing and debriefing sessions on countermeasures.
We define sustainability as "our happiness coexisting with someone else's happiness" and it covers all areas such as environment, society, people's health and life, working style, and organizational management. By developing various businesses centered on sustainability, various stakeholders will become sustainable through our business and products, and we will continue to be a company that solves all social problems as our business grows. We will further accelerate the sustainable management of the entire Group, actively promote the disclosure of information on sustainability to all stakeholders, including shareholders, investors, and customers, and strive to achieve sustainable growth and a sustainable society that responds to ESG.