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Sustainability Fiction

From my point of view, which has edited hundreds of science fiction books for more than 30 years Our are trying to grasp the future 100 years from now with an intellect and determination that is too strong.
Yoshihiro Shiozawa(Hayakawa Publishing)
Full of content, the unseen future world is drawn realistically! The wonderful thing about all four works is that they are written from the point of view of people living in the future, like us today. If I lived in such a world, I would be drawn into the book while thinking about what kind of job I would have, who I would be friends with, and what my life would be like.
Midori Watanabe(Euglena CFO: Chief Future Officer)
Both management and novels start from fantasy. 100 years from now. What is the company and society like? I decided to imagine management from such a "super-long-term perspective." The means is science fiction novels. It is science fiction as “Sustainability Fiction” rather than “Science Fiction”. It is an attempt to establish a management fantasy into a concrete story by teaming up with a writer and Euglena management members. Sustainability is not something that can be managed in the first place. You should keep asking, questioning, and updating. A future without strategy, planning, or even prediction. I will take you with me.

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