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Received the 2010 Tokyo Venture Technology Award Grand Prize!
Euglena (Japanese name: Euglena) mass culture technology
Received the grand prize at the "Tokyo Venture Technology Award"

Euglena Co., Ltd.

Euglena (Japanese name: Midorimushi) edible outdoor mass cultivation technology, which was realized for the first time in the world in 2005 by research teams such as Euglena and the University of Tokyo, was developed by small and medium-sized venture companies in Tokyo. We received the most prestigious award at the Tokyo Venture Technology Awards for innovative technologies and products that have been commercialized.

Venture Technology Award

■ About "Tokyo Venture Technology Award"
 The "Tokyo Venture Technology Award" sponsored by the Tokyo Metropolitan Bureau of Industry and Labor revitalizes the industry in Tokyo by commending innovative and promising products and technologies developed by small and medium-sized enterprises rich in venture spirit. This system aims to create employment. The award is for products and technologies developed and sold by small and medium-sized enterprises in Tokyo within five years of commercialization.

■ About Euglena mass culture technology
 Euglena is a unicellular microalgae that photosynthesizes like plants to store nutrients in the body and transforms cells to move like animals, so it is a very rare organism that is biologically located in both plants and animals. is. In 2005, we realized the world's first edible outdoor mass culture technology for Euglena
 Euglena can produce almost all the nutrients that humans need, we are proceeding with research and development in various fields such as functional foods, cosmetics, and environment-related technologies Euglena increase. In addition, the microalga Euglena has a higher CO2 absorption efficiency than terrestrial plants, and there is no competition with food. Furthermore, since the oil and fat contained in it has a carbon structure suitable for jet fuel, it is promising as a raw material for next-generation bio-jet fuel.

 In the future, we will be an introductory company such as the nine prefectures city summit as a technical representative company of Tokyo.

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-Contact for inquiries from the press-
Euglena Co., Ltd. Public Relations and IR Division

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