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A health information platform that "gets the most detailed about Euglena" is born!
Website "Euglena Healthcare Lab" opens on September 29th (Friday)

Euglena Co., Ltd.

 Euglena Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo, President: Mitsuru Izumo, hereinafter Euglena) announced on September 29, 2017 (Friday), "The most detailed health information about Midorimushi". We are pleased to announce that we have opened the website "Euglena Healthcare Lab" ( as a platform.

Healthcare Lab CapturePhoto: Site TOP

 Since our founding in August 2005, as a biotechnology company, we have been engaged in the healthcare business, which manufactures and sells foods and cosmetics using microalgae Euglena (scientific name: Euglena), and the development and manufacture of biofuels. We are developing the energy and environment business we are aiming for.
 The newly opened "Euglena Healthcare Lab" will provide basic knowledge about Euglena, various research results, the latest news on health care, holding study sessions and posting reports on them. We aim to be a health information platform as a site where you can learn more about Euglena.
 In addition, "Euglena Healthcare Lab" will also post information on materials other than Euglena that we handle, such as chlorella and Kalahari watermelon.
 The details are as follows.

About thewebsite "EuglenaHealthcare Lab"

■ Name : "Euglena Healthcare Lab"
■ Opening date: September 29, 2017 (Friday)
■ Contents : Basic knowledge about Euglena, various research results, latest news on healthcare, holding study sessions and posting reports on them, etc.
     So, we aim to be a health information platform as "the site where you can learn more about Euglena".
■ URL : Http://

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-Contact for inquiries from the press-
Euglena Co., Ltd. Public Relations and IR Division

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