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微細藻類ユーグレナ含有食品の摂取による 便秘改善効果を示唆する研究結果を確認しました

Euglena Co., Ltd.

Euglena Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo, President: Mitsuru Izumo) has confirmed research results suggesting that ingestion of foods containing the Euglena I will inform you.

 Constipation is one of the health concerns that many people have in today's diversified diet. In this test, women aged 20 to 60 years were asked to take a placebo diet * 1 and Euglena in order for each period, and during the intake period of each test diet. The number of defecations, the amount of defecation, and the number of days of defecation were measured. As a result, it was confirmed that the number of defecations, the amount of defecation, and the number of days of defecation increased significantly during the period of ingesting Euglena containing foods compared to the period of ingesting the placebo diet. The results of this research were published in Life Science Publishing "Pharmacology and Treatment Vol.45 No.8".
* 1 Placebo diet: A test diet that is indistinguishable from the test diet by blending a substance that does not easily affect the human body instead of the test substance.

 Going forward, we will continue to carry out research and development aimed at utilizing the Euglena
 The details are as follows.

About test results on constipation improvement effect

■ Research content
An open-label study of constipated women between the ages of 20 and 60, who take low-dose, medium-dose, and high-dose test meals with low-dose, medium-dose, and high-dose Euglena in turn for each period * 2. The number of bowel movements, the amount of bowel movements, and the number of days of bowel movements were measured. As a result, it was confirmed that the number of defecations, the amount of defecation, and the number of days of defecation increased significantly during the period of ingesting Euglena
* 2 Open-label: A test conducted after the information on the test diet is disclosed to the doctor, subject, and staff conducting the test.

Constipation improvement (figure)

Fig. 1 Changes in the number of defecations in each meal Fig. 2 Changes in the amount of defecation in each meal

* P value: Indicates statistical significance. The smaller the p-value, the higher the statistical significance

Figure 3

Figure 3 Changes in the number of defecation days for each meal

Source: The figure is quoted from Jpn Pharmacol Ther vol.45 p1363 (2017), partially modified.

 ■ Consideration
Euglena containing foods increases the number of days of defecation, the number of defecations, and the amount of defecation, suggesting that it may contribute to the improvement of constipation.

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-Contact for inquiries from the press-
Euglena Co., Ltd. Public Relations and IR Division


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