
Euglena cookie distribution target for one year from October 2019

Thank you for your continued support of the Euglena The GENKI program is mainly operated by allocating a part of the sales when purchasing the products covered by the program to the sponsorship money. In this term (October 2019-September 2020), which is the sixth year, we aim to distribute Euglena Euglena cookies are distributed to 7 prefectures including the capital Dhaka, but we aim to further expand the distribution area this term. In October, we distributed about 240,000 meals (progress rate: 11%) against the annual target of 2.1 million meals.

2. Efforts to prevent tobacco and drug intake

In Bangladesh, the number of cannabis and Thai drug addicts has increased over the last few years, making it a serious social problem. It has been pointed out that the number of addicts is increasing especially among young people in their teens and 20s, and it seems that many of the reasons why young people get into drugs are due to their smoking habits. In Bangladesh, cigarettes can be legally purchased by people over the age of 15 and can be purchased for about 10 yen each, so even children in slums can easily obtain and smoke. It has been reported that people started smoking cigarettes and then introduced their friends to take drugs.
The area where the Hamin Model Elementary School, which is the target school of the GENKI program, is located, like other slums, has a particularly high smoking rate among adult men and a widespread drug intake. In Japan, the smoking rate is about 30%, but in the slums of Bangladesh, about 70% of adult men smoke. The number of drug addicts is unknown, but it seems that cannabis addiction is the most common. In 2014, Principal Alaudin established a tobacco and drug intake prevention club in the school with the support of government agencies. The purpose of the club is to take measures to prevent tobacco and drug intake. The club holds workshops and counseling for children and briefing sessions for parents about once a month. At the time of establishment, of the 250 students in the school, about 20 children aged 10 to 14 were smoking, but currently there are no reports of children smoking or taking drugs. At the workshop, we will learn in a case study format the reasons for dyeing cigarettes and narcotics, the effects of ingestion on the mind and body, and how to refuse when invited by local people or friends. Children also make posters and carry out educational activities on the streets to convey what they have learned to the local people. In counseling, the teacher individually listens to the problems that the child has and gives advice. The Parents' Association also advises parents to get rid of tobacco addiction.
Through these educations, we inform our children and parents that tobacco is also a type of drug. The principal said, "If you start with a habit of smoking cigarettes and then become addicted to drugs such as cannabis, you will have to drop out of school due to the disorder of your life, and you will suffer from the negative chain of not being able to get a stable job in the future. It is my mission to continue to carry out steady activities so that children do not fall into such a situation. "

  • Photo-1: Tobacco and drug prevention awareness activities on the street
    Photo-1: Tobacco and drug prevention awareness activities on the street
  • Photo-2: Workshop to learn about the dangers of tobacco and drug addiction
    Photo-2: Workshop to learn about the dangers of tobacco and drug addiction
  • Photo-3: Counseling by Principal Araudin
    Photo-3: Counseling by Principal Araudin

3. Introducing Naim, who works at a CNG (three-wheeled taxi) and used car maintenance shop

Do you know a three-wheeled taxi called CNG? The main modes of transportation in Bangladesh are buses, cars, the green three-wheeled taxi "CNG" powered by natural gas, and the Japanese rickshaw-like "Rickshaw". Since CNG has no glass windows and is a wire mesh, it is covered with dust, but because it has a small turn, it is a foot for citizens who travel short and medium distances.
This month, I would like to introduce Mr. Naim (12 years old), a 4th grader who works at this CNG and a used car maintenance shop. Naim attends UKBET Takeru Bazaar Elementary School in Sylhet District, about 240 km northeast of the capital Dhaka. Sylhet District borders Assam, India, and is a well-known tea-producing region in Bangladesh. The majority of children attending this school go to school while doing some work due to family circumstances. About 80% of the children work in CNG and used car maintenance shops.
Naim is a family of six with a day laborer's father, a housewife's mother, a 15-year-old brother, a 7-year-old brother, and a younger sister who was born in August this year. My brother and Naim work in a small garage in the town because the income that my dad earns from day labor is not enough to support his family. After taking classes from 8 am to 10 am, Naim immediately heads to the garage and works from 11 am to 7 pm. Naim does a lot of work, such as repairing CNG, washing cars, and painting the car body with paint. It's been less than a year since he started working, but it seems that his older brother who works at the same factory teaches him the work, which is a big support for him. Also, it seems that it is interesting to acquire repair skills and knowledge through work.
In Bangladesh, where inflation continues to rise by more than 5% every year, the size of the CNG and used car markets is growing at a rate of 15 to 20% per year, and many Japanese cars about 30 years ago are still in active use. However, many cars break down while driving on public roads, and auto mechanics are one of the jobs currently sought after in Bangladesh. Naim has a dream of becoming an engineer like an older brother who always teaches us closely.

  • Photo-4: CNG (3-wheel taxi) running on the street
    Photo-4: CNG (3-wheel taxi) running on the street
  • Photo-5: Rikisha (close to Japanese rickshaw)
    Photo-5: Rikisha (close to Japanese rickshaw)
  • Photo-6: Dad, Mom, Naim, Sister
    Photo-6: Dad, Mom, Naim, Sister
  • Photo-7: Mr. Naim maintaining CNG
    Photo-7: Mr. Naim maintaining CNG
  • Photo-8: Naim taking classes with friends
    Photo-8: Naim taking classes with friends

Thank you for your continued support.

Euglena Co., Ltd.
Overseas Business Development Department / Bangladesh Office